Alaska! State of USA, which in summer has approximately 20 houres of light, where the vegetation grows very swiftly...all this is for us very strange, since we feel it is day until 11:00 p.m., but our biological clock lets us know that it is already time to rest!!! Pedaling from Anchorage to Fairbanks we have found a territory with many pines and beautiful animals which appear suddenly in the way, such as squirrels and rabbits of which we have seen a lot, also a large cub of black bear that suddenly showed up and disappeared, we have felt the cold which is very strong in the days it rains. But it is very

pleasant when the sky is blue, the sun warms us, the dragonflies, butterflies and bees, fly around us, but for the traveling cycle the weather is never perfect ….. It is perfect, the landscapes, the smell of nature and the sounds of this are felt fully. After visiting the Denali National Park and only feeling rain for several days and not seeing more BEARS!, we went to the second most important city of Alaska, Fairbanks, arriving in three phases of which the last one was the strong mountain. Here we will rest a little with some friends and will visit the city. The places are constituted by the people and Alaska is no exception, we have found very kind people who are very respectful and excellent hosts. From here we say “From now on each pedal push we do is nearing us more to our dear nation “Colombia”
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